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A Father’s Promise

Fighting for Fatherhood

The Parent's Pledge​

I pledge to you, my child so dear,
To shield you from both doubt and fear.
Through every storm, I’ll stand with you,
Protecting all that you hold true.

I’ll fight for you, both day and night,
To keep you safe, to guide your flight.
Through ups and downs, I’ll light your way,
And help you rise, come what may.

With open ears and heart so wide,
I’ll listen close, be by your side.
I’ll teach you strength, I’ll teach you grace,
And help you find your rightful place.

For all you dream and all you seek,
I’ll fight for you, I’ll never be weak.
In school, in life, in every space,
I’ll make sure that you know your place.

No challenge too great, no battle too hard,
I’ll stand with you, I’ll guard your yard.
In love, in faith, my heart beats true,
For every fight, I fight for you.

This is my vow, my pledge to keep,
A promise strong, a love so deep.
For you, my child, I’ll always stand,
A fierce protector, hand in hand.

- Yaseem

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My Story

I am a father. Before anything else—before my name, my work, or any title—I am a father. It is not just who I am; it is my purpose, my greatest calling, and the deepest love I have ever known.

From the moment my son entered this world, I made him a silent but sacred promise: to love him unconditionally, to guide him through life, and to be the father I never had. I held his tiny hand in mine and whispered words he could not yet understand, but words that would shape everything I did from that moment forward. I would be there. Always.

But today, that promise is under attack.

I am fighting an unimaginable battle—not against fate or circumstance, but against a system and a situation designed to keep me from my own child. Instead of fostering a healthy co-parenting relationship, my child’s mother has weaponized the legal system against me—blocking communication, denying my rightful access, and using false accusations to alienate me from my son’s life.

She has made false allegations in an attempt to obtain restraining orders and manipulate the custody process, aiming to alienate me from my son. Her actions seem driven by resentment over our breakup and a desire to secure more child support and maintain control, rather than prioritizing our child's best interests.

I am not battling for control. I am not battling out of spite. I am battling for my right to love, protect, and raise my child.

There is a heartbreaking silence in my home where his laughter should be. His room remains untouched, waiting for the day he returns—the day I can once again tuck him in and tell him how much I love him. The days turn into weeks, the weeks into months. Missed milestones. Unanswered calls. The weight of an unjust system pressing down on me with every legal document, every moment I am forced to prove that my love is worthy, that my presence matters.

Since the case was filed, there hasn’t been a hearing in months. Months of waiting. Months of uncertainty. Months stolen from my son and me. And yet, through it all, I refuse to be erased. Because this is not just my story. This is the story of thousands of fathers who are being erased from their children’s lives—cast aside, villainized, and forced into relentless battles, all while their children are left with an incomplete picture of love.

Parental alienation is a silent epidemic, one that leaves behind shattered fathers, confused children, and families torn apart by manipulation and injustice. But I will not disappear. I know what it feels like to grow up without a father. The absence, the questions, the pain—I carry it with me every day. And I will not allow my son to suffer the same fate. He will know that his father fought for him.

He will know that his father never stopped showing up. And one day, when he is old enough to seek the truth, he will find a father who never gave up, never walked away, and never stopped believing in the power of a promise.


A promise that was never broken.


A promise that will never be broken.


How You Can Help

1️⃣  Donate –  Every contribution, big or small, goes directly toward legal fees and psychologists specialized in parental alienation to fight for my son. Every dollar is a lifeline in this battle. Your generosity helps me stay in this fight, ensuring that every father and child have the right to be together. Thank you for standing with me on this journey.


2️⃣ Support Lè Món – As the founder of Lè Món, I’ve poured my heart into creating a brand that represents quality, luxury, and resilience. By purchasing from Lè Món, you’re not just supporting a business—you’re supporting a father fighting for his child. Every sale helps fund my legal battle and spreads awareness about parental alienation and Litigation Abuse. 


3️⃣ Share – Awareness is power. By sharing my story, you are shedding light on the painful reality of parental alienation and litigation abuse, helping others who may be facing the same struggle. Let’s stand together to demand fairness, justice, and the right of every loving parent to be in their child’s life.


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